Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Well it's a new year and with the beginnings of years thoughts of times past and futures to come are ever present.  It occurred to me that I used to adamantly say that I don't make New Years Resolutions, but in thinking about it and being honest with myself, I do.

This year is an exciting year for me going forward and I look forward to each new day and what gifts it bears for me.  I have a lot of things that are rumbling around in my noggin, but some I just can't share here in a forum where people know me.

I do want to put them out there as they might help someone in some way but I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do that with out it being linked back to me.  Shrug I'll figure something out, even if it's as simple as putting it in a journal.

Anyway I've taken enough time from getting back into the swing of things at work that I have to get back to it.

More later ....


1 comment:

  1. Interesting... Not only in the fact of how positive you are viewing the year ahead, but also in the similarity of our mindsets. I too do not make New Year's resolutions. This time, however -- for someone who has been an agnostic for almost 30 years -- I've decided to engage in a spiritual quest. Research and trying things out. I'm liking the results.
